Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Peace Day!

In a couple of days is going to be the Peace Day, and this year, as you already know, the chosen song is "Ordinary love" by U2.  This song appears in the film "Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom" and won the Golden Globe award for Best Original Song.
Enjoy it!

Why are bees disappearing?

Did you know that bees are disappearing? And how could this affect to our lives? Why do you think this is happening?
Watch this video and you will know the answers to these questions and many more!

The 4th centenary of El Greco's death.

After the searching, the children put together all the information they found out.

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

The 4th centenary of El Greco's death

Regarding El Greco's centenary in Arts &Crafts classes we are working in a project about this great painter.
First, in third and fourth grade classes, we decided what information we have to find out about him.

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

How to paint Van Gogh's starry night.

If you want to paint like Van Gogh, this is a good way to learn how.